Wednesday, October 19, 2011

David's Lamentation

We are studying through II Samuel at the Archdale church of Christ right now.  Last Sunday night our lesson covered the tragic death of King David's son, Absalom.  Though a pitiful and ruthless man who sought his father's death, David loved his son and lamented his demise in chapter 18, vs. 32; "And the king was much moved, and went up to the chamber over the gate, and wept: and as he went, thus he said, O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!"  We are reminded that, as was Absalom, we are worthless and rebellious towards our God, a loving and forgiving Father who loves us despite who we are.  David was willing to die in the place of his son but could not.  God was willing to die in our stead and DID!  Moved by this Scripture, the great American composer, William Billings, produced in 1778 this great hymn entitled simply; "David's Lamentation."  The attached video show how this song was sung on the great American frontier in what is called the "Sacred Harp" style.  It was, as in the New Testament time, sung a-capella (Latin for "as in church") without instrumental intervention.  The time is kept by the raising that lowering of the elbow to hand.  The tune is sung first and then the words in this video as this is how the music was learned on the frontier.  Thanks to one of our sisters at Archdale for sending me the link for the video.  Enjoy and reflect on the Christ who died for you and me though we were in rebellion!

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